6554 Cowles Mtn Blvd. • San Diego, CA 92119


Music and Fun'N'Fitness

Music and Fun N’ Fitness take place during the children’s class time.


Our music program takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays.  The children participate in various music-oriented lessons, with their primary and our music teacher.  These sessions often include; rhythm, rhyming, patterning, and the use of instruments.

Music helps develop children’s language, self-esteem, and listening and math skills along with stimulating brain connections. 


Fun’N’Fitness takes place on Thursdays and Fridays.  An obstacle course is arranged in the Fellowship Hall focusing on several large motor coordination skills such as; balance, climbing, hopping, jumping, skipping, and running.

Physical education and instruction develop upper body strength, coordination, awareness, self-confidence, and stamina.