Registration for summer and fall 2025 is almost here! We will register church members between church services on Sunday, March 2nd. Registration for continuing families will begin on Monday, March 3rd. Returning families can register on the morning of Thursday, March 6th. Open registration for new students will start on Monday, March 10th. Watch for more information in the upcoming weeks.
Your 2024 tax statements were sent to you via email. If you didn’t receive it please double-check your inbox and let us know.
Our first Dine-Out Fundraiser
Join us on Friday, February 7th!
30% of the sales are donated to SCUMP.
Eat at the store in Grossmont Center, or order online and eat at home.
It’s simple you provide the QR code below or present the flyer at the register.
When ordering online, enter coupon code “DONATE” at checkout.
Paper flyers will be sent home the week of February 3rd.
Extended Day Care
Extended Day Care (EDC) is open every day 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Your child can attend EDC on days he/she is scheduled for class. EDC and lunch charges will be added to your monthly statement.
Valentine’s Day Parties
Valentine’s Day Parties are scheduled for the 12th and 13th. The children will be exchanging Valentines with their classmates. There are 12 children in each class. Please write to whom the card is from only. Also, check with your child’s teacher if you would like to bring something for the class party.
Some ideas for Valentine’s Day are age-appropriate stickers, pencils, tattoos, large rings, etc. The teachers would like to limit the amount of candy.
Parent Teacher Conferences continue through February 7th.
Sign up with your classroom teacher.
Dates to Remember In February
February 3rd – February Tuition, January EDC and Lunch statements emailed
February 4th – Preschool Board Meeting 6:00 P.M.
February 13th – Payments Due
February 13th – School T-Shirt Day
February 112th & 13th – Valentine’s Day Parties
February 14th – No School or EDC – President’s Weekend
February 17th – No School or EDC – President’s Weekend